Brand ownership gives you a distinctive identity in the market place. Brands ownership are quite different from the Company name and Domain registrations. These processes do not protect your brand, but legally registering a trademark does. A trademark can be a slogan, a mere word, a logo or a combination of a word and logo.
Trademark Registration give you absolute ownership to the brand in the country where you have registered the trademark, this stops anyone else from using your brand and more importantly adds value to your business, as an asset which you can license or sell. Ownership of the trademark is a key part of the value you offer to the investors or buyers of your business. Most people interested in investing your business or buying would want to see that your Intellectual Property is protected before they invest or buy.
Definition of trademark: according to United Arab Emirates Federal Law No. 37 of 1992 “ Trademarks – shall be considered a trade mark anything having a distinctive form such as names, words, signatures, letters, figures, drawings, logos, titles, hallmarks, seals, pictures, engravings, advertisements, packs or any other mark or group of marks if used or intended to be used either to distinguish goods, products or services whatever their source or to indicate that the goods or products belong to the trade mark’s owner due to its manufacturing, selection or trading or to indicate the rendering of a service. The voice shall be considered as part of the trade mark if it accompanies it.”
Trademark Registration Process in U.A.E.
The first step to do before trademark registration is to conduct an availability search to check if your trademark is entitled for protection in the United Arab Emirates. Your trademark application could be rejected on various grounds. Our professional will conduct the availability search and guide you accordingly so that you have a higher success rate while applying for the registration.
Application till Registration explained in Flow chart.
Time period for Registration
The application for a new trademark application to mature in to Registration for a straight forward case is three to four months from the date of application. The trademark Registration certificate is valid for a period of 10 years from the date of application, renewable thereafter for every 10 years.